the emo wolverine writes

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Monday, March 31, 2014

Browsing Crafts

So after reading a lovely article by one of my favorite bloggers (you can read it here and the blogger in question is ) I decided to do a little web browsing myself and found some lovely things I'd LOVE to do during the summer or whenever I get time! I thought I'd list them here as a reminder for myself.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Possible Novel Inspiration

A friend shared this on Facebook and I have to agree, it DOES look like, and here I quote her words, 

"Omg this could make for such an amazing Dystopian Movie cover- HALAL YA DYSTOPIA "

So what do you think? Worth a shot at writing? I definitely think so, but a very good plot would be needed, along with realitistic characters. Also, I don't think handling dystopia would be very easy!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mystery :s

So there's this brick in my balcony but the problem is, it came from the outside wall of my balcony and its lying inside. I'll share the tweets here.

~Here's the brick in question~

~Here's where IT SHOULD BE~

~Here's this weirdo panorama I tried to make of the crime scene. It doesn't look very cool on a computer, because you can zoom in on the app and it looks very 3D ish. Not here though. Ohh, the app itself is called Photosynth~

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I've been meaning to write for a while now, but alot of things had cropped up. For starters, the revision plan I've chalked out don't really leave out time to write blogposts, especially with my being online on Dragon's Blade which is starting to also get mildly annoying and aggravating at times. I'm thinking about setting a specific day where I sit down and type a blogpost. A deadline blogpost a week. Thursday sounds good. Although I know I'll probably be shifting the day around to whenever I feel like it.
Right, where was I...
Oh, so we had a random discussion on parent relationships today. Like how alot of us look at our parents and then at other parents and say "I wish mine were like theirs". Many children probably think that of their parents, not on all aspects, but definitely for some. Such aspects include the emotional side of a relationship, for example hugging etc while others include the casual side, for example listening out instead of jumping to immediate conclusion in that fussy parent way.
If I was to talk about myself, I'd say I was raised up excellently in the sense that I was brought up to love books and to value education and to always strive to do my best and that is probably why I'm doing so good in my academics. This is something that I really love about my upbringing. On the other hand, there is no aspect of frank friendship or much hugs. However, after listening to what other people think they lack in their relationship, I don't feel so bad for myself anymore. I mean, so my parents aren't as close as I'd like them to be, but at least they aren't close that way to someone totally out of immediate family! When I think about that kind of situation (which, surprisingly, seemed pretty common) I feel really upset and helpless because there's nothing much you can really do to change that.
This discussion started out with us complaining about being bored and ended with us complaining of being depressed. Very, very, very much uncalled for.